No packages to quote error

Troubleshooting error: No packages to quote

Getting this error while trying to Bulk Quote?

To fix, simply add packages (aka. shipments) to the order:

  1. Click on the More button at the top of the order table. (Located next to the Bulk fulfill button)
  2. A dropdown will appear, click on Bulk Pack.
  3. Select and adjust packaging dimensions and press the Save Button.
Your orders now have packages and you can continue to Bulk Quote.

Alternative way

To fix, simply add a package (aka. shipments) to the order:
  1. Go to the All Shipments column of the orders table, and click on the red button with a box.
  2. A dropdown will appear, click on the Add Package button.
  3. Select and adjust packaging dimensions and items and press the Save Button.
Your order now has a package and you can continue to Bulk Quote.