No packages to quote error
Troubleshooting error: No packages to quote
Getting this error while trying to Bulk Quote?
To fix, simply add packages (aka. shipments) to the order:
- Click on the More button at the top of the order table. (Located next to the Bulk fulfill button)
- A dropdown will appear, click on Bulk Pack.
- Select and adjust packaging dimensions and press the Save Button.
Your orders now have packages and you can continue to Bulk Quote.
Alternative way
To fix, simply add a package (aka. shipments) to the order:
- Go to the All Shipments column of the orders table, and click on the red button with a box.
- A dropdown will appear, click on the Add Package button.
- Select and adjust packaging dimensions and items and press the Save Button.
Your order now has a package and you can continue to Bulk Quote.