Getting started with inventory

In this guide

Works with Pikr Go

Pickers will be able to view product locations when picking orders with the Pikr Go app.

Setup Tips

Use consistent formatting for warehouse locations, for example: A1-01-001, A1-01-002 etc.

Type Example Recommendations
Bin A1-01-01 The primary location staff will be directed to during picking
Backup Bins B2-02-01, Check storefront, Ask Bob (manager) for help Supports multiple backup locations staff can use - also supports instructions such as 'ask manager for help'

Bulk Editing Inventory

Quickly edit locations right inside of the inventory hub.

  1. Click on any table cell.
  2. To start edit mode:
    1. Simply start typing values OR
    2. Double click on the cell.
  3. To quickly move focus to the next cell:
    1. Use your mouse to click on the next cell OR
    2. Use keyboard arrow keys OR
    3. Press the SHIFT key OR
    4. Press ENTER

Remember to save your changes, once you are done.